Real Hospital Management System

Real HMS is an integrated Hospital Management System designed to manage the medical, administrative, financial and legal aspects of a hospital and its service processing. Real HMS is a comprehensive Hospital Management System for managing the workflow processes across the healthcare enterprise. It is capable of both retrieving and disseminating patient specific data (clinical & financial). The main aim of Real Hospital Management System is to achieve the better Patient Care & Safety.
The Real Hospital Management System is developed in .Net with Microsoft SQL Server as backend database. Microsoft SQL database is capable of handling large volume of data. The system also compliant to international health standard practices like ICD-10 (WHO standard for Physician’s Disease diagnosis), HL7 (Heath Level 7 – a framework & standards for the healthcare industry provided by ANSI approved HL7 organization), HIPPA Compliance, DICOM etc
Based on several years of healthcare domain expertise, Real Techno-Functional Solutions FZC developed Real Hospital Management System which follows healthcare industry standards and best practices with user friendliness & flexibility. By using Real HMS, the organization and healthcare professionals can achieve the below given goals:
- Accuracy.
- Reliability.
- Better Patient Data Security.
- Enhancing Patient Safety.
- No Redundancy
- Easy retrieval of Stored Information.
- Improved Patient Services.
- Reduces Paper Work.
- Improving Hospital Inventory Management.
- Optimal Utilization of Resources.
Front Office Module
The front office module contains tightly interconnected modules. A quick enquiry screen with the facility to search based on any piece of information like telephone number, registration number, name, date, etc. is provided. The financial information will be posted to accounting system automatically through a day end module.
- Fast & Easy searching by using any piece of information.
- Clinic defined free consultation & follow-up
- Captures additional information related to Insurance company and Corporate Patients.
- Token Management.
- Generate Registration Card with Barcode.
- Supports Definition of business rules for Insurance Companies.
- Management of Multiple Band/Class/Scheme under same Company.
Appointment Diary
Effective scheduling of consultants makes proper utilization of physician time and reduces waiting time of patients. Different appointment views help the user to take appointments for the patients at requested time and can also provide a feedback with available timing or consultant availability. SMS and email alert will remind the users with their appointments and facilitates the clinic activity more engaged. As there is a concurrency between appointment block time and appointment diary, the frontline staffs will get an immediate notification in appointment diary with blocked timings.
- Provision to define Clinic Calendar and Multiple Appointment Schedule.
- Consultant wise Appointment Schedule – Daily/Weekly/Monthly Views
- Appointment Waiting List Management
- Supports SMS & Email.
- Equipment, Theatre etc. scheduling linked with Consultant.
Outpatient Management
Out Patient Management is one of the important aspects of Real HMS. Out Patient Department is the mirror of hospital, which reflects the functioning of the hospital being the first point of contact between the patient and hospital staff. In Real the outpatient management includes Appointments, Patient Registration, Package Booking, Billing etc. HMS module also handles requests and results of laboratory tests and other examinations.
- Patient Visit History.
- Provision for Queue Management.
- Supports Email & SMS Alerts.
Patient Searching
The patient information can be retrieved by using the power of fast patient searching module and the searching can be performed with any piece of information. The HMS helps the user to get information quickly and minimize the turnaround time for patient interaction processes.
Inpatient Management
Inpatient module automates the day-to-day administrative actives and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care. It manages Admission of Patients & Ward Management Availability of beds, Collection of advance, Admission, Emergency admission and so on. The Inpatient module also deals with Ward Management: Shifting from one ward to the other, Bed availability, Surgery, Administration of drugs, nursing notes, and so on.
- Bed Status View.
- Room Shifting.
- Intermediate Billing.
- Charge Sheet & Consumption Entry.
- Room Management.
Pharmacy Management
Pharmacy module deals with the automation of general workflow and administration management process of pharmacy to improve accuracy, enhance safety and efficiency. The pharmacy module is equipped with barcoding facility, which makes the delivery of medicines & drugs to the patient more efficient. Real HMS Pharmacy Management system is capable of handling dispensing of prescription, managing the data concerning the treatment of patient, control of inventory, billing of claims, compliance with law and regulation etc. Real HMS Pharmacy management system deals with the activities such as:
- Stock Management
- Purchase Management
- Sales Management
- Expiry Management
- And Various Reports
Medical Records
Existing paper documents and images are converted to electronic file formats and are compiled into compound documents allowing them to be indexed and shared easily and effectively.
Lab module
The lab module added with specimen sample collection and result entry. Lab technicians can track the outsourced samples and know the status. Accidental data entry errors can be avoided by strict bounding limits for result values. Abnormal results will be alerted to the users and hence they can pay attention to the abnormal values. Depending on the urgency of a lab test requested from doctors, and if it is very urgent, immediately HMS will get alerted to the lab and they can do necessary actions for carrying out the investigation..
Patient Identification
The patient identification and verification is done through the system by capturing fingerprint and photographs. As part of security measures, fraudulent activities can be avoided to certain extent while issuing medical certificate and investigations.
Billing(Cash, Credit & Insurance)
The billing module of Real Hospital Management System tracks all the patient records including medical records , inpatient and outpatient records . It handles all types of billing for long-term care . The HMS module provides for credit party in billing and can be seamlessly integrated with the Financial Accounting Module. The system is tuned to capture room and bed charges along with ancillary charges based on the sponsorship (Insurance) condition. The system support multiple payment modes and multicurrency and hence makes the system more scalable. As a result of tight integration with EMR module, the services to be rendered can be drawn with a single click and the user need not know anything about the billable services.
Finance Accounting Module
Real HMS Financial Accounting Module deals with Cash/Bank, Receipt/Payments, Journal Voucher and General Ledger etc. Books like Cashbook, Bankbook and Ledger can be generated. The HMS module generates reports like Trail Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement. The Financial Accounting Screens describe about the Account Payable, Account Receivable and General Ledger. Also describe the activities related to IP, OP, Bank related activities and provision to clearing the Supplier Invoice and keep track of the Account Receivable and Revenue related activities.
MIS Reports and Dash Board
The dashboard in Real Hospital Management System is a summary of key parameters values covering all areas of the hospital that are generally monitored by the top management on a regular basis. MIS reports are available with every module and total analysis report for the top management. All reports can be exported to excel, word, pdf, html etc. and can be emailed to multiple recipients.
- Customizable key parameters as per user.
- User definable presentation views/graphs.
- Auto Refresh facilitating latest information at all times.
Nursing Module
Nursing module is a tool provided in the hospital management system software to the nurses to manage their routine tasks with the objective of improving patient care. It is tightly integrated with the Inpatient module and other clinical modules for smooth flow of information.
- Patient Charting.
- Improved Workload.
- Better care Planning.
- Better Drug Administration.
Doctor’s Desktop (EMR)/ CPOE
The Doctor’s Desktop module is the entry point for doctors to the hospital management software. The Doctor’s Desktop – EMR module is a secure, real-time, point-of-care, patient-centric information resource for clinicians. It helps clinicians’ decision-making processes by providing access to patient health record information and by incorporating evidence-based decision support. It automates and streamlines the clinician’s workflow, closing loops in communication and response that result in delays or gaps in care. The CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry system) is a part of the Doctors Desktop module where the physician can record the patient symptoms, allergies, diagnose and suggest treatment plans & medication details.
Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)
Clinical Decision Support module integrated with EMR / Pharmacy system enhance patient safety by alerting clinicians to harmful drug interactions or allergic reactions to prescribed medicines and helping clinicians manage the health of patients with complex chronic conditions and/or multiple co-morbidities. CDSS provides Clinical Decision Support knowledge bases to help healthcare professionals in electronic prescribing and dispensing environments which make better-informed prescribing & therapeutic choices.The HMS enables healthcare professionals to improve the quality of patient care in the area of medication management. The system provides various levels of alerts and warnings for drug-drug interaction, drug-allergy interaction, Drug-Pregnancy warnings, special precautions etc.
Insurance claim processing
Real Hospital Management System has a Comprehensive module for insurance processing that integrates with Front Office, Patient Care and Finance Modules to ease the work of the hospital. Wide range of insurance companies in the market having different business policies and the system is capable of producing claim data according to the company rules. Definition of insurance tariff, excluded medicines and services, periodical credit limits etc. will reduce mistakes from data entry level and helps the user to validate constraints.
- Insurance Company template.
- Provision for adding Insurance Category, Subcategory, Providers etc.
- Provision for adding Co-Insurance & Deductible.
- Insurance Service Exclusion & Inclusions.
- Provision for setting limits –Daily/monthly/Previous Visit basis for Pharmacy, Lab Services, OP/IP etc.
- Visit Details for a member.
- Facility for Pre-Authorization and control on billing under base Pre-Authorization limits.
- Integrate with EMR to get control at Point of Care.
- Provision to set different Co-Insurance for different service groups for the same patient.
- Separate reports as per Insurance Company formats.
- Facility for crediting the bills Insurance Company Wise.
- Provision for Exporting all the bills of selected patients during the period.
- Provision for Export company wise bills.
- Various Insurance Company Reports.
- Exporting Insurance Company data’s for a Selected Period into Excel.